Shortly before I became a Superintendent, my Navy brother had a long talk with me about the ‘Gravity of Command’. In short, he talked about the rising expectations of being in command…and the weight of leadership.
Fast forward- about a week ago, I came across an article where the Commander of the USS Truman, an aircraft carrier, was relieved of his duties while deployed to the Middle East. The carrier had an accident with a merchant ship, resulting in damages to the carrier.
As I read this, I was quickly reminded of my brother’s message: The Gravity of Command.
Captain Dave Snowden, the commander of the Truman, was certainly not the one driving the ship. Yet, as leaders, we are responsible for all that happens under our watch.
This message is certainly not to overwhelm you. Rather, we always need those gentle reminders of the charge we have been given.
You are called to lead where you are. Leadership is not for the faint of heart. We have a tremendous responsibility and opportunity to lead our people as we raise up this next generation.
Lead well. You have what it takes. Always be mindful of all that has been entrusted to you. To us.
I am always in your corner. Win the Day.
Take care – pja
54.45 Seconds to Read.